This is a list of plants that are toxic to dogs that you might find in or around the house. The plants are classified according to the type of damage they do. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, we have tried to list common poisonous plants. However, use of the information is at your own risk and we cannot be held liable in any way. Because the amount a dog ingests from a plant and suffers poisoning varies from plant to plant and from dog to dog, it is advisable to contact your veterinarian if in doubt. Do this immediately, even if no symptoms of poisoning are visible yet. These may be delayed, when it may be too late to intervene.
Zeer giftige planten
Dieffenbachia![]() The entire plant is highly toxic. Ingestion causes cramps, and swelling of the throat lips and tongue. As a result, there is a choking hazard. |
Herfststtijloos ![]() This plant contains in both its seeds and tuber the substance colchicine which is highly toxic. It has a paralyzing effect and can lead to death. So consult your veterinarian as soon as possible if you suspect that your dog has eaten from this plant. |
Oleander ![]() All oleanders are very toxic. In some cases, even one leaf can be deadly. Oleanders can be recognized by their narrow leaves. The symptoms that can occur are stomach problems, heart problems, low blood pressure, coma and even cardiac arrest. |
Rhodondendron![]() The Rhodondendron is the big even more poisonous brother of the Azalea. Eating this plant can damage the kidneys, cause convulsions, paralysis and death. Profuse fluid secretion from the nose and eyes can also be symptoms. |
Taxus![]() Of this plant, sometimes used as a natural hedge, the needles and seeds are extremely poisonous. Poisoning can cause tremors, muscle weakness, cardiac arrhythmia and finally cardiac arrest. |
Sago palm![]() This highly toxic plant, when ingested, can cause kidney failure, affect the liver and nervous system. Poisoning signs may include excessive drooling and trembling. |
Goudenregen![]() Especially the pods of this plant are very dangerous. Poisoning symptoms are vomiting, a burning sensation in the mouth and throat, diarrhea, agitation and finally paralysis.... |
Vingerhoedskruid![]() The entire plant is highly toxic. Poisoning can lead to kidney failure, cardiac arrhythmias and eventually cardiac arrest. |
Kerstroos![]() This plant is highly toxic and can cause cramps, delusions and suffocation. |
Wonderboom![]() With this plant, the problem is not so much the leaves and branches, but mainly the seeds it produces. These seeds, also called beans because of their appearance, are highly toxic. Poisoning symptoms are stomach upset and bloody diarrhea. |
Monnikskap![]() This is a highly toxic plant that can cause symptoms even when touched. Poisoning can cause inflammation of the mouth and throat, breathing problems, cardiac arrhythmias and paralysis. |
Ridderspoor![]() The poison is found throughout the plant, but especially in the leaves and seeds. Digestion is disturbed, which can be observed by excessive saliva production. In addition, the dog may experience tremors, coordination disorders and paralysis. |
Maretak![]() The mistletoe is a semi-parasite that grows on trees. Therefore, it will not usually cause problems in nature. However, the branches are sometimes used at Christmas in Christmas arrangements or as individual decorations. Be very careful then, as the plant is very poisonous and can cause serious stomach upset |
cacaodoppen![]() This is indeed not a plant, but since cocoa shells are often used as ground cover in the Netherlands, it is worth mentioning. Cocoa shells, like cocoa, contain the substance theobromide which can cause irregular or increased heart rhythm and eventually heart failure. Also check with other bedding materials to see which plant they come from, as many toxic plants are still harmful to your dog in the form of shreds if they decide to chew them. |
Plants that cause skin irritation
De volgende planten kunnen huidirritatie veroorzaken bij honden. Syptomen kunnen krabben of rare plekken op de huid zijn. Maar ook problemen met de ademhaling en het slikken komen voor wanneer de luchtwegen geirriteerd zijn geraakt.
Slangenwortel![]() |
Gatenplant![]() |
Ficus![]() |
reuzenberenklauw![]() (vermijd ook aanraking) |
Aronskelk![]() |
The following plants are dangerous to dogs because they can affect the organs:
Azalea![]() (ademhalingsorganen en nieren) |
Druif![]() (mogelijk nierfalen, alleen de druiven zelf) |
Vijgenboom ![]() (nieren en slijmvliezen) |
Krokus![]() (ademhalingsstelsel, lever en nieren) |
Plants that cause stomach or intestinal problems
Gastrointestinal problems bijn dogs can be characterized by vomiting and diarrhea. Inflammation of the stomach and intestines also falls into this category. Please note, with flower bulbs, sometimes even drinking the water in which the flowers are located can lead to poisoning. When in doubt, always consult your veterinarian.
Aster![]() |
Blauwe regen![]() |
Hortensia![]() |
Hyacint![]() |
Lelie![]() |
Tulp![]() |
Aspidistra![]() |
Lelietje van dalen![]() |
Salomonszegel ![]() |
look (ui, sjalot, bieslook, prei, etc.)![]() |
Sneeuwklokje![]() |
Narcis![]() |
Amaryllis![]() |
Clivia ![]() |
Agave![]() |
Boterbloem![]() |
Buxus![]() |
Nightshade family
The plants listed below belong to the Nightshade family and contain the toxic substance solanine. Excessive ingestion can cause inflammation of the stomach and intestines, apathy, general malaise and even coma in a dog:
Aardappel![]() (alleen de plant en rauwe of groene aardappelen) |
Tomatenplant![]() (Alleen de plant) |
Bitterzoet![]() |
Boksdoorn![]() (ook bekend als goji bes, alleen de plant) |
Doornappel![]() |
Capsicum![]() (paprika en peper planten) |
Petunia![]() |
Tabaksplant![]() |
zwarte nachtschade![]() |
Solanum pseudocapsicum![]() (ook bekend als oranjeboompje) |
lampionplant![]() |